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Gift Administration Details

To donate online, please see our Make a Gift page at UC Merced Development and Alumni Relations.

We appreciate your donations. Here is some helpful information you may need.

Tax Identification Numbers

Regents of the University of California (UC Merced): 27-0093858
University of California Merced Foundation: 94-3250114

The Board of Regents of the University of California (Regents) is the formal corporate name of the University, as set forth in the California State Constitution. It is a public trust, governed by the Board of Regents, organized for the purpose of teaching research and public service. There are 10 separate campuses, including the University of California, Merced (UC Merced), each of which may accept gifts on behalf of the Regents for purposes which benefit that campus.

The University of California, Merced Foundation (Foundation) is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, organized for the purpose of encouraging voluntary private support for the benefit of the UC Merced Campus. Responsibility for the governance of the Foundation is vested in its Board of Trustees. Operations of the Foundation are promulgated by the Regents via its Policy of Campus Foundations.


Gift receipts are provided for all gift transactions. These receipts are intended to comply with the IRS requirements regarding written acknowledgment of gifts and disclosure of any benefits provided to donors in exchange for gifts. All gifts to the Regents and the Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No benefits were provided to you in consideration for your gift, unless noted on the face of the receipt. If noted, the amount stated as the fair market value of any benefits provided has been estimated as closely as possible.

The Regents and the UC Merced Foundation are not engaged in rendering legal or accounting advice. For tax purposes, please seek the guidance of a tax professional.

Administrative Fee on Gifts

In accordance with the policy of UC Merced and the UC Merced Foundation, a modest portion of the gift principal and/or income may be used to partially defray the costs of raising and administering funds.

Gift Terms

Any restrictive terms and conditions associated with gifts are subject to approval from the UC Regents or UC Merced Foundation.

Donor Recognition

One of the ways our gratitude is expressed to donors is by listing their name in various UC Merced publications. For recognition purposes, UC Merced will list the first and last name of an individual donor. If our database reflects a joint account, the standard listing is the first name of each donor and the same last name. For corporate contributions, the business name will be listed. If you prefer to be recognized in a different format or do not want your name listed, please communicate this to us in one of the following ways:

Send an e-mail to 

Send physical mail to UC Merced Gift Administration / 5200 North Lake Road / Merced, CA 95343

Please include your name, telephone number and how you prefer to be recognized.