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Executive Committee

SNRI Executive Committee

The SNRI Executive Committee is chaired by a faculty member other than the Director, and meets regularly, participating actively in setting the SNRI's goals as reflected in the SNRI Strategic Plan, and critically evaluates SNRI’s effectiveness on a continuing basis. The Executive Committee provides counsel to the Director on all matters pertaining to SNRI, including budgetary matters and personnel. More than half of the Executive Committee members are required to be ladder-rank faculty members from UC Merced. The committee may also include faculty from other UC campuses, members from the professional research series, and one or more members from outside UC. The Executive Committee is appointed by the Chancellor to staggered three-year terms. The committee reports at least annually to the Chancellor.

Andrea Joyce, Executive Committee Chair, Associate Professor Marc Beutel, Professor
Jessica Blois, Associate Professor
Crystal Kolden, Professor

TBD, External Advisor, National Park Service

Thomas Harmon, Professor, SNRI Faculty Director

Molly Stephens, SNRI Executive Director

Michael Beman, Associate Professor

Advisory Committee Notes